Dr Hao Lu: Nanophotonics & Nanoelectronics
📚 Education:
The impact of her research is evident in citation metrics and indices from Google Scholar:
- Cited by: All – 115.
- Citations –115.
- h-index – 6.
A prolific researcher making meaningful contributions to the academic world.
1. Hao Lu, et al., High RF Performance GaN-on-Si HEMTs UsingPassivationImplanted Termination, IEEE Electron Device Letters, 43(2);
2. Hao Lu, et al., AlN/GaN/InGaN Coupling-Channel HEMT for ImprovedgmandGain Linearity, IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices, 68(7);
3. Hao Lu, et al., Improved RF Power Performance of AlGaN/GaNHEMTUsingTi/Au/Al/Ni/Au Shallow Trench Etching, IEEE Transactions onElectronDevices,68(10);
4. Hao Lu, et al., AlN/GaN/InGaN Coupling-Channel HEMTs withSteepSub-threshold Swing of Sub-60 mV/decade, Applied Physics Letters, 120(17).
5. Hao Lu, et al., Low-resistance Ta/Al/Ni/Au Ohmic Contact andFormationMechanism on AlN/GaN HEMT, IEEE Transactions on ElectronDevices, 69(11),6023-6027. Â