Dr Ungureanu Camelia | Nanomaterials | Best Researcher Award

Dr Ungureanu Camelia | Nanomaterials | Best Researcher Award

Dr Ungureanu Camelia, University Politehnica of Bucharest,  Romania

Dr. Ungureanu Camelia is a notable figure at the University Politehnica of Bucharest. While specific details about her work or role are not available in the provided context, it is likely that she is involved in research or teaching in a field related to engineering or technology, given the university’s focus on these areas. If you need more specific information about Dr. Ungureanu Camelia’s work or role, I can help you search for it or provide general information about the university and its academic programs.


Dr. Ungureanu Camelia has had a distinguished career at the University POLITEHNICA of Bucharest, where she has held various roles since 2009. Starting as a Research Assistant at The National Institute for Research & Development in Chemistry and Petrochemistry, she honed her skills in process supervision and research, focusing on the sector of research. Her dedication and expertise led her to progress through the ranks at the University POLITEHNICA of Bucharest, where she served as a Teaching Assistant, Lecturer, and currently holds the position of Associate Professor at The Faculty of Applied Chemistry and Materials Science. In her current role, she continues to contribute significantly to the education sector, with a focus on teaching and research supervision. Dr. Ungureanu Camelia’s commitment to advancing knowledge and expertise in the field of chemistry and materials science is evident through her extensive experience and contributions to both academia and research.


Work  Experience:

Dr. Ungureanu Camelia has an impressive academic and research background in Chemical Engineering and Biotechnology. She completed her Bachelor’s degree in Biochemical Engineering at the Faculty of Industrial Chemistry, Politehnica University of Bucharest, where her thesis focused on testing the antibiotic activity of pigments from Monascus purpureus against various bacterial and fungal strains. Subsequently, she pursued a Master’s degree in Bioengineering and Biotechnology, a joint program between Politehnica University of Bucharest and Institut National Polytechnique de Lorraine, France, where her dissertation involved the implementation of quantification methods for diluted fatty acids in a culture medium.

Membership of Professional associations:

Dr. Ungureanu Camelia has been an active member of several prominent professional associations, demonstrating her commitment to professional development and collaboration within the global scientific community. Since 2005, she has been a member of the Romanian Society of Bioengineering and Biotechnology, showcasing her early involvement in her field. In 2007, she expanded her network by joining the Romanian Society for Chemical Engineering and the European Federation of Chemical Engineering, indicating her interest in the broader aspects of chemical engineering. Dr. Ungureanu Camelia’s engagement continued to grow as she became a member of the European Federation of Biotechnology (EFB) in 2005, focusing on the Biochemical Engineering Sciences section. Her international connections expanded further with her membership in the International Association of Computer Science and Information Technology (IACSIT) from 2011 and the European Association for Chemical and Molecular Sciences’ Biotechnology/Chemical Engineering section. Joining the Romanian Chemical Society in 2009 added another dimension to her professional network. These affiliations underscore Dr. Ungureanu Camelia’s dedication to staying connected with the latest developments in her field and her commitment to advancing knowledge and innovation in chemical engineering, biotechnology, and related disciplines.

Professional Profiles:


The impact of her research is evident in citation metrics and indices from Google Scholar:

  • Cited by: All – 1267.
  • Citations – 668.
  • h-index – 24.
  • Documents – 38.

A prolific researcher making meaningful contributions to the academic world!

Prof Dr Stefano Leporatti | Nanocarriers | Excellence in Research

Prof Dr Stefano Leporatti | Nanocarriers | Excellence in Research

Prof Dr Stefano Leporatti , Dirigente di Ricerca CNR, CNR Nanotec, Lecce, Italy

Stefano Leporatti is a pioneering figure in Italy’s Scanning Force Microscopy (SFM) field, having been among the first users of Digital Instruments (now Veeco Instruments) SFM as early as April 1993, at a time when commercial SFM was still nascent in Italy. His groundbreaking work extends to the development of the polyelectrolyte layer-by-layer (LbL) assembly of micro- and nanocapsules, a nanotechnology method that has since found widespread industrial applications in areas like drug delivery, sustained release, and cancer drug nanocarriers. Leporatti’s extensive contributions are reflected in his publication record, which includes over 270 publications, comprising 135+ peer-reviewed papers and 4 book chapters. He is also a sought-after speaker, having delivered over 40 invited talks, and is deeply engaged in the scientific community, having participated in more than 130 conferences and workshops. His influential work has garnered over 5,500 citations, with an impressive h-index of 36 (ISI Web of Science, update October 2023). In addition to his academic achievements, Leporatti has played key roles in coordinating significant bilateral and international research projects, collaborating with esteemed institutions such as Porto University in Portugal and the IDBELL in Madrid, Spain, on initiatives like the Marie Curie Initial Training Networks (ITN) “Strategy to Inhibit TGF-β1 in liver disease (IT-Liver).”

📚 Education:

Stefano Leporatti has an impressive academic journey, culminating in a Laurea (M.Sc. equivalent) in Physics from the University of Genova (Italy) at Genoa University. His thesis in Biophysics, titled “Polymeric Separated Phase in Monomolecular Films revealed by Scanning Force Microscopy,” supervised by Prof. Ranieri Rolandi and refereed by Prof. Martino Bolognesi, showcased his early research prowess. Following this, he ventured into tutoring and supervising various theses at the Dottorato and Laurea Specialistica levels, covering a diverse range of topics in Nanoscience, Physics, Nanotechnology, and Biotechnology. His mentorship has been instrumental in numerous impactful research projects, including those focusing on IFNα therapy in multiple sclerosis, functional micro/nano-materials for drug delivery, atomic force microscopy on living cells for studying human disease, and multifunctional bio-nano-engineered drug delivery systems for hepatocellular carcinoma cells. Moreover, Leporatti has contributed as a referee for the thesis of Mr. Jiaying Yu, which explored the functionalization of halloysite nanotubes for various applications.

👨‍🔬 Teaching Experience:

Dr. Khosla has a wealth of experience teaching Mathematics, Physics, Nanoscience, and Nanomedicine to undergraduate and graduate students. His teaching career spans several prestigious institutions, including Genoa University, Leipzig University, Salento University, University of Bari, and Kuwait University. Dr. Khosla’s expertise extends to delivering lectures, seminars, and practical experiences in Italian, German, and English languages. He has conducted workshops and training sessions focusing on nanotechnology, biomedical sciences, and research methodologies. Dr. Khosla’s teaching methods cover a broad spectrum of topics, including nanocarriers, drug delivery systems, microscopy techniques, and ethical considerations in nanomedicine. He has also adapted to virtual teaching environments, utilizing platforms like Microsoft Teams to deliver lessons during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Work Experience:

Dr. Khosla has a distinguished career in nanobiotechnology and nanomedicine, spanning over two decades. His expertise encompasses a wide range of research areas and projects, focusing on the development and characterization of nanocarriers and bioengineered materials for biomedical applications. His work includes morphostructural studies using advanced microscopy techniques like atomic force microscopy (AFM) and confocal microscopy to analyze the structural and mechanical properties of living and fixed cells. Additionally, he has conducted research on engineering microenvironments using biocomposite films and investigating the elasticity of various cell types, including cancer cells, neurons, and stem cells. Dr. Khosla’s contributions also extend to the development of nanocapsules and nanoparticles for drug delivery, with a specific focus on applications in cancer therapy. His collaborative projects have involved international partnerships with institutions such as the Institute of Micromanufacturing at Louisiana Tech University, the Department of Chemical Engineering at Porto University in Portugal, and the Methodist Hospital Research Institute in Houston, Texas. Throughout his career, Dr. Khosla has demonstrated a commitment to advancing the field of nanobiotechnology through his research, teaching, and collaborations with leading institutions worldwide.

📚 Project:

Dr. Stefano Leporatti has been involved in a wide range of research projects and collaborations, focusing on nanocarriers for cancer therapy and related fields. His work has been recognized and supported by various organizations and institutions, including the Italian Ministero degli Esteri (MAE), the Regione Puglia, the Associazione Italiana Ricerca Cancro (AIRC), and more. His projects have covered diverse themes such as the development and characterization of nanocarriers for drug delivery, cytomechanics of cancer cells, fabrication of nano- and microcapsules for controlled drug delivery, and the targeting of specific pathways for personalized therapy in cancer. Dr. Leporatti has also collaborated with international partners, including the University of Porto in Portugal and the Institute of Micromanufacturing at Louisiana Tech University in the USA. His research has contributed to advancements in the understanding and application of nanotechnology in cancer treatment, with a focus on innovative approaches for drug delivery and therapy customization.

👨‍🏫 Scientific Activity:

Dr. Stefano Leporatti’s research expertise spans a wide range of nanophysics and nanotechnology applications, particularly focusing on interfaces and thin films. His work includes the characterization and manipulation of materials at interfaces, such as the air/water and air/substrate interfaces, using techniques like Langmuir and Langmuir-Blodgett mono- and multilayers. He has also been involved in the deposition of amphiphilic molecules on solid substrates, polymerization of Langmuir monolayers, and the characterization of organic thin films using Scanning Force Microscopy. Additionally, his research extends to the study of gold deposition and characterization, including the preparation and characterization of gold surfaces using Scanning Probe Microscopy. Dr. Leporatti has also explored various techniques for investigating biological nanostructures, such as Confocal Laser Scanning Microscopy and Scanning Force Microscopy. His work extends to the development and characterization of nanocarriers, including layer-by-layer polyelectrolyte multilayers nanocapsules and their stability, elasticity, and morphology under different conditions. Furthermore, he has delved into the study of interaction forces between cellulose microspheres and ultrathin films, as well as the investigation of viscoelastic and mechanical properties of macrophages using Colloidal Probe Microscopy. Dr. Leporatti’s research has contributed significantly to the understanding and application of nanotechnology in various fields, including biomedical and materials science.

Award and Honor:

Dr. Stefano Leporatti has built a distinguished career in nanophysics and nanotechnology, marked by numerous accomplishments and awards. His research has delved into a wide array of topics, from the characterization of Langmuir and Langmuir-Blodgett mono- and multilayers to the investigation of polymer capsules and their properties. Notably, his work has been recognized by prestigious journals, such as Langmuir and the Journal of the American Chemical Society, with articles awarded for their significant contributions. Dr. Leporatti’s research has also extended to practical applications, including the development of nanocarriers for drug delivery and the study of various nanostructures’ interactions with biological systems. His commitment to advancing the field is evident through his participation in international conferences, where he has presented his work and received recognition for his contributions. Additionally, his dedication to scholarly peer review has been acknowledged through multiple certificates of recognition and awards, highlighting his impact in shaping the scientific discourse.

Professional Profiles:

The impact of her research is evident in citation metrics and indices from Google Scholar:

  • Cited by: All – 7947.
  • Citations – 3025
  • h-index – 68.
  • Documents – 102.

A prolific researcher making meaningful contributions to the academic world!

Assoc Prof Dr Monica Mir | Nanobiotechnology | Best Researcher Award

Assoc Prof  Dr Monica Mir  -bbn: Nanobiotechnology: Best Researcher Award

Assoc Prof  Dr Monica Mir, CIBER-bbn,  Spain

Dr. Monica Mir is an Associate Professor affiliated with CIBER-bbn. Her specific area of expertise or research focus within CIBER-bbn is not provided, but her association with the center suggests a dedication to biomedical research and potentially a focus on bioengineering or nanotechnology. If you require more detailed information about Dr. Mir’s role, specific research interests, or notable contributions within CIBER-bbn, please provide additional context or details.

Current professional situation:

Dr. Monica Mir is a Senior Researcher and Associate Professor with a diverse institutional affiliation, contributing to cutting-edge research at the intersection of bioengineering, biomaterials, and nanomedicine. Her primary institutional affiliations include the Institut de Bioenginyeria de Catalunya (IBEC), where she is involved in pioneering research and development in the field of nanobioengineering. Additionally, she is associated with the Centro de Investigación Biomédica en Red de Bioingeniería, Biomateriales y Nanomedicina (CIBER-bbn), further highlighting her commitment to collaborative and interdisciplinary research initiatives in biomedical engineering. Dr. Mir’s academic endeavors are deeply rooted in the academic realm, as evidenced by her affiliation with the Universitat de Barcelona (UB), where she is involved in the Physics Faculty’s Department of Electronic and Biomedical Engineering. Her extensive professional journey began in May 2009, marking the inception of her impactful contributions to the field of bioengineering and nanomedicine. Dr. Monica Mir’s multifaceted expertise and institutional affiliations underscore her role as a key figure in advancing research and innovation at the forefront of biomedical engineering and nanotechnology.

Academic Training:

Dr. Monica Mir has a diverse educational background, starting with a degree in Chemistry from Universitat Rovira i Virgili in 1998. She furthered her education by obtaining a Doctorate in Chemical Engineering from the same institution in 2006. Dr. Mir has also pursued specialized courses to enhance her knowledge and skills, including Nanomedicine and a course on valorization. Her commitment to staying current with the latest developments is evident in her participation in courses offered by renowned institutions like Cranfield University and ICMAB-IIQAB-CSIC in 2009 and 2006, respectively. Dr. Monica Mir’s continuous pursuit of education and expertise in interdisciplinary fields like bioengineering and nanomedicine position her as a leading figure in her field.


Dr. Mònica Mir has been actively engaged in a wide array of research projects, securing funding from various sources such as the Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades, CIBER-BBN, HORIZON-EIC, Agencia de Gestió d’Ajuts Universitaris i de Recerca, Obra Social de la Caixa, and more. Her projects cover diverse topics, including the development of microphysiological models for drug testing, in-vessel implantable smart sensing devices for personalized medicine, alternative in vitro human methods for studying neurodegenerative diseases, and more. Additionally, she has participated in research and technology transfer contracts with companies and administrations, focusing on areas like drug testing platforms, diagnostic electrochemical platforms, and monitoring and fluidic integration in 3D neuronal co-cultures. Dr. Mir’s extensive involvement in these projects highlights her expertise and leadership in interdisciplinary research with real-world applications.

Professional Profiles:

Publications Top Note:

  • BBB-on-a-chip with integrated micro-TEER for permeability evaluation of multi-functionalized gold nanorods against Alzheimer’s disease

    Polyoxometalate-Decorated Gold Nanoparticles Inhibit β-Amyloid Aggregation and Cross the Blood–Brain Barrier in a µphysiological Model

    Ferulic acid-loaded polymeric nanoparticles prepared from nano-emulsion templates facilitate internalisation across the blood-brain barrier in model membranes

    Biosensors Integration in Blood-Brain Barrier-on-a-Chip: Emerging Platform for Monitoring Neurodegenerative Diseases

    Fetal ischemia monitoring with in vivo implanted electrochemical multiparametric microsensors

Michael Arakas | Nanocomposites, Dendritic Polymers | Best Researcher Award

Dr Michael Arakas: Nanocomposites, Dendritic Polymers: Best Researcher Award

Dr Michael Arakas Institute of Nanoscience Nanotechnology, NCSR “Demokritos”Greece

Dr. Michael Arkas is a prominent figure at the Institute of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, part of the National Center for Scientific Research “Demokritos.” His work likely involves cutting-edge research in nanoscience and nanotechnology, potentially focusing on areas such as material science, electronics, or biomedical applications. Dr. Arkas’s expertise may contribute to advancements in fields like nanomaterials, nanoelectronics, or nanomedicine, potentially impacting various industries and scientific disciplines. His contributions likely enhance the understanding and application of nanotechnology, shaping the future of this rapidly evolving field. 🎓🔬


Dr. Michael Arkas is an accomplished researcher in the field of Chemistry, with a Ph.D. from the University of Athens, specializing in Industrial Chemistry. He completed his Bachelor of Science degree in Chemistry at Ioannina University in 1992. Dr. Arkas’s academic journey began at the Filothei Public High School in Attica, where he laid the foundation for his future scientific pursuits. With a strong educational background and a focus on industrial applications of chemistry, Dr. Arkas has made significant contributions to the field through his research and professional endeavors.

Work Experience:

Dr. Michael Arkas has a rich and diverse professional background, marked by a strong focus on research and development. Since March 2017, he has been serving as a Researcher at the NCSR “Demokritos” Institute of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, where he continues to contribute to advancements in the field. Prior to this, from March 2007 to March 2017, he held a position as Permanent Special Scientific Personnel at the NCSR “Demokritos” Institute of Physical Chemistry, showcasing his long-standing commitment to scientific inquiry. Dr. Arkas also gained valuable industry experience during his tenure at Pharmathen, a pharmaceutical company, where he worked in the patents department from May to July 2006. His earlier roles as a Research Collaborator at NCSR “Demokritos,” particularly in the fields of nanomaterials and environmental pollution control, demonstrate his wide-ranging expertise and dedication to scientific exploration. Dr. Arkas’s academic journey began with his graduate studies at the University of Athens, where he pursued his doctoral thesis on thermotropic liquid crystals. This research, conducted at the NCSR “Demokritos” Institute of Physical Chemistry, laid the foundation for his subsequent contributions to the field. Throughout his career, Dr. Arkas has consistently demonstrated a passion for scientific inquiry and a commitment to pushing the boundaries of knowledge in his field.

Past Positions:

👨‍🔬 Principal Member, Turkish Academy of Sciences (TUBA), Ankara, Turkey (Since 2020). 🏛 Director and Management Board Member, Sakarya University, BIMAS RC, Turkey (2014-2020). 👨‍🔬 Associate Member, Turkish Academy of Sciences (TUBA), Ankara, Turkey (2012-2020). 🌐 Visiting Researcher, Connecticut University, USA (2012). 👨‍🏫 Various Academic Positions at Sakarya University (1998-2010).

Awards and Honors:

Dr. Michael Arkas’s academic journey has been enriched by several prestigious fellowships and collaborations. In April-June 1997, he was awarded the Empirikio Institution fellowship, a recognition of his outstanding academic achievements and potential. This was followed by a significant period from March 1993 to March 1997, during which Dr. Arkas received the NCSR “Demokritos” graduate student fellowship, an honor that supported his research endeavors and academic pursuits. Additionally, in April-June 1996, he participated in the Greco-French collaboration program “Plato” between the Institut de Physique et de Chimie de Materiaux in Strasbourg, France, and the Institute of Physical Chemistry at NCSR “Demokritos.” This international collaboration further expanded his academic horizons and allowed him to engage with diverse perspectives in his field. These experiences reflect Dr. Arkas’s commitment to excellence in research and his proactive engagement with the global scientific community.

Professional Profiles:

The impact of her research is evident in citation metrics and indices from Google Scholar:

  • Cited by: All – 1306
  • Citations – 611.
  • h-index – 20.
  • Documents – 11.

A prolific researcher making meaningful contributions to the academic world!

Teaching and Training Activities: 

Dr. Michael Arkas has been actively engaged in science education and outreach activities, demonstrating his commitment to fostering scientific curiosity and knowledge among diverse audiences. From organizing summer schools and interactive science activities for elementary and high school students to participating in events like the Science on Board and Researchers’ Night, Dr. Arkas has contributed significantly to the dissemination of scientific knowledge. His involvement in initiatives such as the BASF Kids’ Lab and the Athens Science Festival underscores his dedication to making science accessible and engaging for young minds. Dr. Arkas’s efforts extend beyond conventional educational settings, as seen in his participation in events like the Jobs Fair Athens, where he brings science to broader platforms. His contributions reflect a deep passion for science communication and education, making him a valuable asset in promoting scientific literacy and enthusiasm.


Sajith Kaniyadan Baiju | Nanotechnology | Best Researcher Award

Mr SajithKaniyadan Baiju: Nanotechnology: Best Researcher Award

Mr. Sajith Kaniyadan Baiju is a member of the University of Canterbury community. While his specific role or area of focus within the university is not specified, his affiliation with this renowned institution suggests a dedication to academic or professional pursuits. The University of Canterbury, known for its commitment to excellence in research and education, provides a dynamic environment for individuals like Mr. Baiju to engage in impactful endeavors that contribute to their field and beyond.

 Current Position:

Researcher, Kraft Foods, Christchurch, September 2022-October 2023
Chemistry Analyst, Synlait Milk Limited, Christchurch, January 2021 – March 2023
Junior Operator – ITN, Westland Milk Products, West Coast, 2020 – 2021
Quality Assurance Controller, Good Honest Product, Christchurch, 2019 – 2020

 Laboratory and Quality Expertise:

Experienced analyst specialising in handling roles such as Food Technologist, Laboratory Technician or Analyst, Quality Technician or Specialist, Validation Technologist.
Proven record of working on various short-term contracts to gain diverse, relevant, experience.
Committed to ongoing self-development to enhance work and personal skills.
Maintains a clear understanding of ISO 17025, HACCP, HARPC and GMP.
Excellent organisational skills with strong attention to detail and time management skills.
Collaborates well in any team environment, and contributes as much as possible.
Self-motivated, enthusiastic, hard-working and adapts well to any new responsibilities.


Mr. Sajith Kaniyadan Baiju is a dedicated scholar pursuing a Ph.D. in Chemical and Process Engineering at the University of Canterbury, where his research focuses on the development of ionic liquid anti-fouling solutions for marine environments. His commitment to this field is evident from his Master of Engineering degree, also from the University of Canterbury, where he completed a thesis on the same topic. Prior to his master’s studies, Mr. Baiju obtained a Post Graduate Diploma Certificate in Applied Science with a specialization in Food Science from Lincoln University, where he gained comprehensive knowledge in advanced microbiology, biochemistry of food, food product innovation, food processing, food safety and security, quality control, quality assurance, and sensory science and techniques. His academic journey began with a Bachelor of Science degree in Chemistry from Mahatma Gandhi University in Kerala, India, where he delved into various aspects of chemistry, including organic and inorganic chemistry, organic synthesis, analytical chemistry, physical chemistry, coordination chemistry, quantum mechanics, and spectroscopy. His undergraduate thesis focused on the synthesis of polyurethane from hydroxylated castor oil, showcasing his early dedication to research and innovation in the field of chemistry.

Professional Profiles:

 Employment History:

Good Honest Product, Christchurch Quality Assurance Controller (12-month role) 2019 – 2020
Managing quality control standards and procedures to meet compliance requirements.
Monitoring operations to ensure that the work meets all production standards.
Ensuring workplace hazards are appropriately maintained, report inspection and auditing data. Smart Plywood Limited, India Analytical Chemist (6-month role) 2018
Applied chemistry knowledge and laboratory expertise to enhance plywood application.
Compared plywood products against all specifications through quality and integrity checks.
Analysing the quality of gum used in the production of plywood. MILMA Milks Private Limited, India Laboratory Technician – Chemistry and Microbiology 2016 – 2018
Completing basic chemical and microbiological checks for milk samples.
Organising and maintaining equipment to keep the laboratory productive and safe.
Restocking laboratory workstations and sterilising surfaces for any project requirement.
Gaining expertise in machinery use; HPLC, ICP-OES, and different Spectrometers.

Publications Top Note:

  • Anti-Fouling Properties of Phosphonium Ionic Liquid Coatings in the Marine Environment


Mohammed Abd El-ghany | Microbial nanobiotechnology | Best Researcher Award

Assoc Prof Dr Mohammed Abd El-ghany, Cairo University, Microbial nanobiotechnology, Best Researcher Award

👨‍🏫 Introduction:

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Mohammed Abd El-ghany, an esteemed faculty member at Cairo University, has been honored with the prestigious Best Research Award in recognition of his outstanding contributions to research. His work at Cairo University has not only significantly enhanced the institution’s reputation but has also had a profound impact on the broader academic community. Dr. Abd El-ghany’s dedication to advancing knowledge and innovation in his field is evident through his exceptional research achievements. His work serves as an inspiration to his peers and students, reflecting his commitment to scholarly excellence and the pursuit of knowledge.


Professional Profiles :



🎓 Education:

The user has an impressive academic background, starting with a Bachelor of Science degree from Cairo University, Egypt, which they completed between 2002 and 2006. They then pursued an M.Sc. in Microbiology at the Botany and Microbiology Department of the Faculty of Science, Cairo University, from 2007 to 2011. Their M.Sc. thesis focused on the “Biodegradation of some Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons by some soil fungi,” showcasing their research interests in environmental microbiology. Subsequently, they continued their academic journey by obtaining a Ph.D. in Microbiology from the same institution between 2012 and 2016. Their doctoral research centered on the “Purification and characterization of laccase from some soil microorganisms,” highlighting their expertise in microbial enzymology and biotechnology. Through their academic pursuits, they have demonstrated a strong commitment to advancing knowledge in the field of microbiology.

🔍  Professional Career Experience:

The user has built a diverse and extensive professional career, primarily centered around their role as an educator at Cairo University, where they have been teaching since 2007. Their commitment to education extends beyond the classroom, as evidenced by their involvement in various administrative and leadership positions. They have supervised international operations for Biomap & Wallacea in 2008 and served as the Executive Supervisor at FLDC since 2015. Additionally, they have demonstrated their commitment to professional development by obtaining International Certified Professional Trainer certification in 2017. Their administrative roles include serving as the Manager of the IT Unit in the Faculty of Science from 2018 to 2019 and as the Treasurer for the Egyptian Botanical Society from 2018 to 2022. They are currently actively involved in various committees and units at Cairo University, including the Community Service and Environment Development Committee of the Faculty of Science, the Faculty of Science Questionnaires Unit, the Technical Office for the Faculty of Science, and the Excellence Committee. Their recent responsibilities include managing the Questionnaire Unit and serving as the Executive Manager of the Sustainability Office at Cairo University. Their broad range of experiences reflects their dedication to both academic and administrative roles, making them a valuable asset to the university community.

🏫 Teaching Experience:

1- Food microbiology, Biological chemistry for Diploma in microbiology students.
2- Biotechnology for 4th year Microbiology students.
3- Food microbiology for 4th year Microbiology students.
4- Microbiology for 3rd year Biotechnology students.
5- Environmental biotechnology for 4th year Biotechnology students.
6- Business entrepreneurship for 2 nd year students
7- Water and Sewage Biology for 3rd year Microbiology students.

🌐 Attended Training Courses  

1- Biomap &Wallacea International bioconservation operations Training in Sinai, Egypt, 2006.
2- Molecular biology Practical Courses (PCR, Cloning ) in Animal reproduction research institute, Egypt, 2008.
3- Executive Manager course from FLDC, Egypt in 2015.
4- CIPT (Certified International Professional Trainer) course in Egypt, 2017.
5-Risk Performance and Decision Analysis, August 2019 Jyväskylä University, Finland.2019.

📚 Award and Honor:

1- Cairo university award for UI-Green metric participation and international ranking (2021 and 2022).
2- Cairo university publication award for publishing in 2019, 2020.
3- Award for best PhD Thesis for 2016/2017 (Botany and Microbiology department, Faculty of Science, Cairo university). 3-Award for being best employer at botany department in 2011.
4-Egyptian syndicate of scientists award (2008).
5- Cairo University Award for being 1st in grade in my department (2007).


1. Attended Darwin celebration international conference in Bibliotheca Alexandrina, Egypt (2012)
2. Attended Experimental Conference of Biology in Tanta (2015)
3. 6 th International conference for biological and environmental sciences, Mansura, Egypt (2018).
4. Participated with paper in 8 th International Conference in Microbial and Plant Biotechnology (ICMPB) which is going to be held in Kafrelsheikh University, Egypt during October 3-4, (2018).
5. Participated as supervisor with student’s article in 4th Medical Integrated Student’s Research (MISR) conference (2019)

📚 Top Noted  Publications:

1-Biodegradation of some Polyaromatic hydrocarbons by some soil fungi in African Journal of Microbiology Research Vol. 6(16), pp. 3783-3790, 30 April, 2012
2-Biosynthesis of laccase by Aspergillus flavus NG85 isolated from Saint Catherine protectorate Egyptian Journal of Botany 55 (1), 127-147.
3- Characterization of Aspergillus flavus NG 85 laccase and its dye decolorization efficiency in Research Journal of Pharmaceutical, Biological and Chemical Sciences in Volume 7 Issue 4 2016.
4- Citric Acid Fermentation by Aspergillus niger. Journal of Innovations in Pharmaceutical and Biological Sciences (JIPBS) in Volume 5 Issue 4 pp 20-37, 2018.
5- Purification and characterization of Milk -Clotting Enzyme from the edible mushroom Pleurotus albidus. Research Journal of Pharmaceutical, Biological and Chemical Sciences. Volume 9 Issue 5 (2018) 49-63.

Mousa Ghaemi | Nanocomposites | Excellence in Research

Prof Mousa Ghaemi: Nanocomposites

Professor Mousa Ghaemi is a respected figure at the University of Mazandaran. With his expertise and dedication, he has made significant contributions to the academic community. His work and teachings have undoubtedly enriched the university’s environment and inspired countless students and colleagues. Through his research and scholarly activities, Professor Ghaemi continues to play a pivotal role in advancing knowledge and fostering academic excellence at the University of Mazandaran.

📚 Education:

The user has a rich academic background in Chemistry and Polymer Science. They obtained their B.Sc. in Chemistry from the Department of Chemistry at the University of Isfahan, Iran, in 1975. Building on this foundation, they pursued an M.Sc. in Polymer and Fiber Science at the University of Manchester Institute of Science and Technology (UMIST) in Manchester, England, completing this degree in 1977. During their M.Sc. studies, they conducted research on the “Determination of Tg of polymers using an inverse gas chromatography technique.” Subsequently, they earned a Ph.D. in Polymer Chemistry and Technology from the Department of Chemistry at the University of Aston in Birmingham, England, in December 1980. Their doctoral research focused on “Measuring dynamic and mechanical properties of thiol-modified ABS polymer.” This academic journey reflects their dedication to advancing their knowledge and expertise in Chemistry and Polymer Science through rigorous research and education.

Conference Attended:

In addition to actively participating in national conferences, the user has been an enthusiastic attendee of numerous international conferences, underscoring their commitment to global scientific engagement. Their international conference attendance includes events such as the “Photo and Thermal Degradation and Stabilization of Polymers” at the University of Sussex, England, in 1981, the “Crosslinking and Network Formation in Polymers, Materials, Methods, and Application” in London, England, in October 1983, and the “New Trends in the Photochemistry of Polymers” in Stockholm, Sweden, in August 1985. Furthermore, they have taken part in significant gatherings like the “18th Australian Polymer Symposium” in Melbourne, Australia, in February 1990, the “16th Annual Meeting on Polymer Stabilization Mechanisms and Applications” in Birmingham, England, in September 1991, and the “5th Pacific Polymer Conference” in South Korea in October 1997, among others. This extensive international conference participation demonstrates their dedication to staying updated with the latest developments in their field and networking with experts from around the world.

📅 Research Interests:

1. Drug Encapsulation Preparation and Optimization of Biodegradable Polymeric Drug Carriers and Encapsulation of Drugs for Sustained Release.

2. Composites and Nanocomposites Incorporation of a wide range of Nano-Fillers in Polymeric Matrices for Tuning their properties depending on the Applications.

3. Polymers for Separation and Adsorption Synthesis and Functionalization of Natural Polymers and Development of Polymeric Materials with Tuned Properties Appropriate for Various Removal Processes.

Professional Profiles:
Publications Top Note:


2. Removal of heavy metals from polluted water using magnetic adsorbent based on κ-carrageenan and N-doped carbon dots, Zeinab Rahmani, Mousa Ghaemy, Ali Olad, Hydrometallurgy 213 (2022) 105915.
4. Highly efficient and antibacterial ion exchanger based on graphene oxide for removal of chromate and nitrate from water: synthesis, characterization and application, Maryam Shojaipour, Mousa Ghaemy, New J. Chem., 2021, 45, 268-281.


Fabiola Borbolla | Nanobiotechnology | Women Researcher Award

Dr. Fabiola Borbolla: Nanobiotechnology

Dr. Fabiola Borbolla is a prominent figure in the academic landscape of Mexico. As an esteemed member of the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM), she has contributed significantly to the field of [nanotechnology]. Dr. Borbolla’s expertise and dedication have made her a respected authority in her field, and her research and teachings have undoubtedly enriched the academic community. Through her work, Dr. Borbolla continues to inspire and shape the next generation of scholars and researchers in Mexico and beyond.

📚 Education:

Dr. Fabiola Borbolla has been honored with two prestigious awards in 2022. The first is the Premio Canifarma 2022, which she received from the Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (UNAM). The second is the Premio a la Investigación Médica 2022 Dr. Jorge Rosenkranz, presented to her by the Fundación Mexicana para la Salud, A.C. (FUNSALUD). These accolades underscore Dr. Borbolla’s exceptional contributions to her field and her significant impact on medical research. Her dedication and achievements continue to elevate the standards of academic excellence in Mexico.

Professional Profiles
Publications Top Note:
  • Año de publicación: 2023 ISSN electrónico: País: Título del artículo: Nombre: ISSN impreso: Número de la revista: Volúmen de la revista: Páginas de: a: null PEG 400:Trehalose Coating Enhances Curcumin-Loaded PLGA Nanoparticle Internalization in Neuronal Cells 6 15 1 24 19994923 Pharmaceutics null

    Título del artículo: Nombre: ISSN impreso: Número de la revista: Volúmen de la revista: Páginas de: a: null Development of a Polymeric Pharmacological Nanocarrier System as a Potential Therapy for Spinocerebellar Ataxia Type 7 12 23 1 23 20734409 Cells null

    Título del artículo: Nombre: ISSN impreso: Número de la revista: Volúmen de la revista: Páginas de: a: null Films for Wound Healing Fabricated Using a Solvent Casting Technique 15 9 1914 1940 19994923 Pharmaceutics null

    Título del artículo: Nombre: ISSN impreso: Número de la revista: Volúmen de la revista: Páginas de: a: 14220067 The Molecular Role of Polyamines in Age-Related Diseases: An Update 24 22 1 17 null

    Título del artículo: Nombre: ISSN impreso: Número de la revista: Volúmen de la revista: Páginas de: a: null Non-Ionic Surfactants for Stabilization of Polymeric Nanoparticles for Biomedical Uses 14 3197 1 39 19961944 Materials null