Wieslaw Nowinski | Nanoscale Characterisation | Best Researcher Award

Prof Dr. Wieslaw Nowinski | Nanoscale Characterisation | Best Researcher Award

Prof Dr. Wieslaw Nowinski, Sano Center for Computational Personalised Medicine, Poland

Prof. Dr. Wieslaw Nowinski is a visionary in nanotechnology and a recipient of numerous accolades, including the title of Titular Professor awarded by the President of Poland. With a robust academic background, including a Ph.D. in Electronics, he has held diverse roles globally, contributing significantly to neuroinformatics, medical imaging, and brain atlases. Currently serving as a Visiting Scientist at the Sano Center for Computational Personalized Medicine in Krakow, Poland, Dr. Nowinski is renowned for his 71 granted patents and over 90 technology transfers. His groundbreaking work spans from brain anatomy to innovative medical image processing, leaving an indelible mark on the intersection of science, medicine, and technology. 🧠🌐🏆

🎓Academic/Research Record:

Titular (full) Professor awarded by the President of Poland, 2015. D.Sc. (habilitation), Polish Academy of Sciences, 1994. Ph.D. with distinction, Lodz University of Technology, 1985. MSc, Warsaw University of Technology, 1977.

🔬 Present Appointment:

Visiting Scientist/Senior Postdoctoral Researcher, Sano Center for Computational Personalised Medicine, Krakow, Poland (2022-present).

🌐 Previous Positions:

Various roles in Poland, Singapore, and the USA spanning neuroinformatics, medical imaging, and academia.

🚀 Innovation and Contributions:

71 granted patents and 68 patent applications. Notable discoveries in subthalamic nucleus function, brain morphology, and cerebrovasculature. Formulation of concepts like atlas-assisted processing, helical stereotaxy, and operating room of the future.

🌟 Awards and Honors:

Recognition in Singapore for impact on neuroanatomy and white matter integrity in schizophrenia. National Technology Award Ministerial Citation for electronic human brain atlases. Honorary Pearl in Science, Badge of Honor for “Merits for Inventiveness” in Poland, and more.

🌱 Biographical Highlights:

Founding Director of John Paul II Center for Virtual Anatomy and Surgical Simulation. Established the NOWinBRAIN human brain repository. Founding Director at Sano Center for Computational Personalized Medicine.

Professional Profiles:

The impact of her research is evident in citation metrics and indices from Google Scholar:

  • Cited by: All – 4,523.
  • Citations – 3,069.
  • h-index – 36.
  • Documents – 244.

A prolific researcher making meaningful contributions to the academic world!

🔬 Research Focus:

Prof. Dr. Wieslaw Nowinski’s pioneering work converges on advancing neuroinformatics and neuroradiology, focusing on morphological atlasing of the human brain at the nanoscale. His research spans diverse domains: from defining and presenting cerebral sulci, bridging neuroanatomy and neuroradiology, to creating a vast repository (NOWinBRAIN) of correlated planar-surface neuroimages. Additionally, his contributions extend to establishing an operative anatomy atlas for the skull base and envisioning a multi-purpose, user-extendable reference human brain atlas. Prof. Nowinski’s pursuit towards a nanoscale connectome underscores a transformative shift in understanding neuronal morphology, storage requirements, and the evolution of human brain atlases. 🌐👨‍🔬