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Assoc Prof Dr. Jianbo Li: Nonolinear Optics, Optical Functional Nanode

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Jianbo Li, a distinguished scholar from Central South University of Forestry and Technology, China, completed his Ph.D. in Optics at Wuhan University under the guidance of Prof. Qu-Quan Wang. Since 2012, Dr. Li has been contributing significantly to academia, initially as a Lecturer and later as an Associate Professor at the same university. His expertise lies in the domains of Nanophotonics, Nonlinear Optics, and Opto-Electronic Nanomaterials. Dr. Li’s research extends to the development of nanodevices, showcasing his commitment to advancing knowledge in these cutting-edge fields. His academic journey reflects a profound dedication to pushing the boundaries of optical sciences and nanotechnology.


Associate Professor Dr. Jianbo Li pursued his Ph.D. in Optics from 2007 to 2012 at Central South University of Forestry and Technology under the mentorship of Prof. Qu-Quan Wang. During this period, he delved into advanced research within the field of optics, honing his expertise. Prior to this, he earned his degree from the Department of Physics at Wuhan University. With a strong foundation and guidance from renowned experts, Dr. Li has contributed significantly to the field, showcasing his commitment to academic excellence and research innovation. His academic journey reflects a dedicated pursuit of knowledge and a passion for advancing the understanding of optics.

Work Experience:  

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Jianbo Li has been an esteemed member of Central South University of Forestry and Technology since June 2012. Commencing as a Lecturer until December 2015, he dedicated himself to imparting knowledge. In January 2016, Dr. Li elevated to the position of Associate Professor, continuing his impactful journey at the university. His academic tenure reflects a commitment to both teaching and research, contributing significantly to the institution’s academic community. Driven by a passion for education and forestry technology, he has made enduring contributions that align with the university’s pursuit of excellence in education and research.

Research Projects:  

Assoc Prof Dr. Jianbo Li has spearheaded groundbreaking research on optical bistability in hybrid metal-semiconductor nanostructures, investigating the intricate mechanisms behind this phenomenon. His work, supported by the National Natural Science Foundation and the Natural Science Foundation of Hunan Province, delves into the understanding of four-wave mixing in metal-semiconductor hybrid nanosystems. Additionally, Dr. Li has explored the enhancement of optical nonlinearity in semiconductor nanomechanical resonators through surface plasmons, shedding light on innovative possibilities for manipulation. His contributions extend to the development of an electrochemical biosensor for tumor marker detection using mesoporous silica nanoparticles, funded by the National Natural Science Foundation. Furthermore, Dr. Li has explored the thermoelectric conversion properties and quantum regulation of semiconductor nanostructures, backed by the National Natural Science Foundation, showcasing his multifaceted and impactful research portfolio.

Research Performances:  

Associate Professor Dr. Jianbo Li has made remarkable contributions to the field of optics, particularly in the development of advanced devices. His work on slow light devices, utilizing monolayer MoS2 nanoresonators, presents a groundbreaking scheme with a maximal group velocity index two orders of magnitude larger than carbon nanotube resonators. Additionally, Dr. Li proposed a sensitive biosensor based on optical bistability in a semiconductor quantum dot-DNA coupled nanohybrid, enabling precise measurements of DNA length and concentration. His innovations extend to highly-flexible bistable switches using Z-shaped graphene nanoribbons, showcased in Carbon and Optics Express. Furthermore, his work on an ultrastrong signal modulator, utilizing suspended monolayer graphene nanoribbons, demonstrates a remarkable nine orders of magnitude signal gain around the lower bistable threshold, as published in Optics Express.

Professional Profiles:

The impact of her research is evident in citation metrics and indices from Google Scholar:

  • Cited by: All – 888.
  • Citations – 723.
  • h-index – 15.
  • Documents – 70.

A prolific researcher making meaningful contributions to the academic world!

Publications Top Note:
  1. Optical bistability in a heterodimer composed of a quantum dot and a metallic nanoshell
  2. A temperature-tunable chirality-selective meta-absorber for electromagnetic encrypted imaging
  3. Four-wave mixing properties in bilayer graphene nanosystem 
  4. Multipole polarization assisted optical bistability in a semiconductor quantum dot/metal nanoparticle hybrid molecule
  5. Low-Threshold Optical Bistability Based on Photonic Crystal Fabry–Perot Cavity with Three-Dimensional Dirac Semimetal
  6. Tunable Low-Threshold Optical Bistability in Optical Tamm Plasmon Superlattices
  7. Tunable multiband metamaterial coherent perfect absorber based on graphene and vanadium dioxide
  8. Bragg grating sensor for refractive index based on a D-shaped circular photonic crystal fiber


Assoc Prof Dr. Jianbo Li | Nanophotonics

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