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Dr Hao Lu: Nanophotonics & Nanoelectronics

Dr. Hao Lu is a distinguished academic associated with Xidian University in China. With a rich background in their field, Dr. Lu has contributed significantly to research and academic endeavors. Their work and expertise have undoubtedly made a substantial impact on the academic community at Xidian University and beyond. Through their dedication and scholarly contributions, Dr. Lu continues to advance knowledge and inspire the next generation of scholars and researchers in China.

📚 Education:

Dr. Hao Lu is a highly accomplished individual with a strong academic background. They obtained their Ph.D. degree in Microelectronics and Solid State Electronics from Xidian University, China, under the guidance of Professors Xiaohua Ma and Yue Hao, showcasing their expertise in advanced technological fields. Prior to their doctoral studies, Dr. Lu earned their Bachelor’s degree in Material Forming and Control Engineering from Nanjing University of Science and Technology (NUST), China, where they laid the groundwork for their academic pursuits. Dr. Lu’s academic journey reflects their commitment to excellence and their dedication to advancing their knowledge and skills in the field of engineering and technology.

Work Experience:

Postdoctoral Researcher, Xidian University, China

 Research Interests:

Dr. Hao Lu’s research at Xidian University has been focused on the fabrication and characterization of RF GaN-on-SiC HEMTs and GaN-on-Si HEMTs. Their work aims to develop high-performance devices for RF applications, with a particular emphasis on novel fabrication processes and channel engineering. Dr. Lu has proposed innovative approaches such as the AlN/GaN/InGaN coupling-channels heterostructure to achieve high-gm profiles and ultra-steep SS performance for both high linearity and high-speed digital applications. In addition, they have developed a novel shallow trench ohmic process to achieve high PAE (Power Added Efficiency) at sub-6G and mmWave frequencies. Their work has resulted in significant advancements in the field, as evidenced by publications in prestigious journals such as IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices and IEEE Electron Device Letters. Dr. Lu has also contributed to the development of Au-free CMOS-compatible processes with low RC (Resistance-Capacitance) and desirable RF performance, showcasing their broad expertise in semiconductor device fabrication and design.

Research Projects:

2021.09-now  Project Leader, Innovation Funding of Xidian University, 2021. Developing the low-cost CMOS-compatible process for GaN-on-Si HEMT.
2018.12-2020.12  National Key R&D Program of China,Responsible for designandfabricationprocess of high power GaN device chip.
2019.12-2021.12  National Key R&D Program of China,Research on reliability mechanismof5Gmobile communication chip, Responsible for the process of GaNdevice.
2018.6-2018.9 Reliability evaluation of GaN devices, HUAWEI intern project,the failure analysis and reliability evaluationof GaNpower devices

 Honors and Awards:

China National Scholarship (2021);
Best Presentation Award at IEEE WiPDA-Asia 2021;
Best Presentation Award at AMSE 2022;
Excellent Doctoral Dissertation Funding of Xi’an University (Top 5%);
First-class Academic Scholarship for PhD students (2021/2022)ï¼›
Academeic Scholarship for PhD students (2019/2020); Excellent Postgraduate (2017/2018/2019/2022)
First-class Academic Scholarship for Master students (2017/2018)ï¼›

Professional Profiles:

The impact of her research is evident in citation metrics and indices from Google Scholar:

  • Cited by: All – 115.
  • Citations –115.
  • h-index – 6.

A prolific researcher making meaningful contributions to the academic world.

Publications Top Note:

1. Hao Lu, et al., High RF Performance GaN-on-Si HEMTs UsingPassivationImplanted Termination, IEEE Electron Device Letters, 43(2);
2. Hao Lu, et al., AlN/GaN/InGaN Coupling-Channel HEMT for ImprovedgmandGain Linearity, IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices, 68(7);
3. Hao Lu, et al., Improved RF Power Performance of AlGaN/GaNHEMTUsingTi/Au/Al/Ni/Au Shallow Trench Etching, IEEE Transactions onElectronDevices,68(10);
4. Hao Lu, et al., AlN/GaN/InGaN Coupling-Channel HEMTs withSteepSub-threshold Swing of Sub-60 mV/decade, Applied Physics Letters, 120(17).
5. Hao Lu, et al., Low-resistance Ta/Al/Ni/Au Ohmic Contact andFormationMechanism on AlN/GaN HEMT, IEEE Transactions on ElectronDevices, 69(11),6023-6027.  

Hao Lu | Nanophotonics & Nanoelectronics | Young Scientist Award

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